Aviation Tool Control
What is Aviation Tool Control?
It is extremely important to ensure that all aviation tools, including your rivet guns, hammers, bucking bars, etc. are accounted for at the end of every day. Tool control is a method of identifying missing tools quickly because every aviation tool you have has a specific place. If the tool is missing it is immediately known that it is missing.
The FAA states the importance of tool accountability in an advisory circular:
"The primary objective of a positive tool control program is to eliminate accidents/incidents and loss of life or equipment due to tool FOD. There are numerous methods to facilitate accountability: use of shadow boards, shadowboxing, bar coding, special canvas layouts with tool pockets, tool counters, chit system, or consolidated tool kits. Unique control methods should be implemented for special tools used in checkout, test, and operational environments.
Tools/equipment should be tethered or suitably restrained to the user in areas around structural workstands or any other locations where a dropped article could result in damage to flight hardware, injury to personnel, or where difficulty in retrieval would result if the tool were dropped. All loose tools should be carried and stored in a tote tray, soft tool bag or other suitable container and not be placed in a manner that would cause damage to flight hardware or injury to personnel."
How important is Tool Control in Aviation?
Making sure that no foreign objects or debris (referenced as FOD above) for flight is what makes flight one of the safest methods of transportation in the world. This is what makes Tool Control extremely important. Having tool accountability prevents disaster. Tools are a safety risk in flight. That is why Tool Control is a focus of the FAA.
Where can I get more information on Tool Control?
We've linked some articles below for additional reading and information: