Tungsten Bucking Bar TBBT619T from Honsa Aerospace Tools, high performance ergonomic tools.

Tungsten Bucking Bar TBBT619T **Contact sales@honsatools.com for pricing**

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3.0" OAL  x 1.75" bucking face tungsten bucking bar 

Honsa's proprietary tungsten alloy has a history of being long-lasting in demanding riveting applications. 

Tools are made in the USA for superior quality.

Many users of bucking bars have converted from using steel to tungsten in order to reduce the overall size and reduce harmful vibration.

We engineer our bars to fit into difficult-to-access areas while setting rivets quickly and consistently.

By using the Honsa riveting system of the HTOP38 series of riveting tools and the tungsten bucking bars you provide optimum performance and operator protection from harmful vibration.

Since many of Honsa's tungsten bucking bars are made to order, we frequently modify designs to fit our customer's applications.   Contact us to discuss customizing a bucking bar design to best fit your unique application.